

   来源:黔优网责任编辑:优优  时间:2023-11-08 16:14:12 浏览量:33
导读:在国内高校或者研究所就读的绝大多数工科研究生都需要在毕业之前发表一篇或者多篇英文论文。英文论文一般包括Tittle、Abstract、Keywords、Introduction、Experimental section、Results and discussion和Conclusion

在国内高校或者研究所就读的绝大多数工科研究生都需要在毕业之前发表一篇或者多篇英文论文。英文论文一般包括Tittle、Abstract、Keywords、Introduction、Experimental section、Results and discussion和Conclusion这几个部分。其中Introduction是一篇论文中必不可少重要组成部分,一般会放在一篇论文中正文内容的最前面,仅次于Abstract和Keywords之后。Abstract和Keywords的重要性大家应该都知道,紧接其后的Introduction重要性也可想而知。我们必须通过Introduction来让读者明白这个篇论文工作的研究背景、研究现状、目前存在的问题、这篇工作将要解决什么问题、通过什么方法去解决问题和最终达到的效果。Introduction不是简单的抄袭和模仿,而是要完全围绕这篇论文的创新点去展开讲述,要能让读者通过阅读这一部分就能明白你研究工作的真正意义。




大背景Heat-resistant steel 53Cr21Mn9Ni4N (21-4N steel) has been widely used for engine exhaust valves because it has excellent strength and toughness at high temperatures, as well as strong corrosion resistance in extreme working environments. In the past decades, 21-4N steel has attracted the attentions of scientists and engineers.

小背景Carbide is one of the most important microstructural features of 21-4N steel. Mechanical properties and behaviours of 21-4N steels at high temperatures strongly depend on the type, shape, size, amount and distribution of carbides. Carbide is formed in the solidification process and is composed by three chemical elements: Cr, Fe and Mn in 21-4N steel. Furthermore, the dissolution of carbides in solution treatment enriches the matrix with alloying elements, which results in an exceptional heat resistance and the capability of secondary hardening by aging precipitates. Undissolved carbides after aging treatment remain in 21-4N steels which lead to the wear resistance. However, mechanical properties will be affected a lot, if the size of them is too large or they have inhomogeneous distribution .






Therefore, it is necessary to control size, shape and distribution of carbides of as-cast and hot-rolled steel, specially the size. A minor amount of Mg in the stainless steels and superalloys significantly refines the carbides in the literature. For example, Gong et al. added Mg(0.01– 0.015wt-%) to the steel Cr14Mo4 and found that a trace amount of Mg can refine and disperse carbides by presenting in the matrix and grain boundary. Ge et al. studied the effects of segregation of Mg (0.024–0.1wt-%,) on high carbon (18wt-% Cr) as-cast steel and found that a minor amount of Mg refines the primary carbide (Cr0.51Fe0.49)7C3, and improves significantly impact toughness of the alloy. Li et al. reported that a trace amount of Mg(0.001wt-%) strengthens carbide segregation and reduces their size in die steel H13. Bor et al. chosen Mar-M247 to study the influence of Mg(0.002–0.008wt-%) microaddition on carbide characteristics and concluded that a trace amount of Mg can change carbide morphology and refine the size of carbides significantly.







As aforementioned, many studies investigated the effect of Mg on carbide particle size and on mechanical properties of stainless steels or superalloys. However, few studies have been carried out to study the effect of morphology changes on the transformation of carbides. Therefore, this study concentrates on morphology changes of carbides and the effect of Mg on the M7C3→M23C6 transformation in the 21-4N steel. First of all, this paper provides theoretical thermodynamical calculation of the 21-4N steel with different contents of Mg on the M7C3→M23C6 transformation. Then, three contents of Mg were added into the liquid steel, the liquid steel casted into ingots (as-cast sample) and the ingots through hot-rolling changed into bars (hot-rolling sample). Finally, the microstructure of 21-4N steel including as-cast and hot-rolling samples is analysed. Results in this study are used to explore the effect of Mg on carbide characteristics and control the carbide particle size in stainless steel.


1. 大背景小背景:

For decades, one of the most popular ideas in ... literature is the idea that ...Recent theoretical developments have revealed that ...

Most of the theories of ... are however focused on explaining ...

2. 发现问题:

There is a further problem with ...

Unfortunately, this approach results in problems related to ...

These constraints make the problem difficult to ...

Most of the research in ... field is aimed at solving ...

3. 文献综述

For example, Gong et al. .... Ge et al. studied the effects of ....

4. 研究意义 :

ln comparison with other techniques, this method has the advantage of ...

The benefit of using the ... is expected to ...



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